
Back to school

This morning I escorted my eldest munchkin to his new class for the start of a new school year.  Last night we had a back to school party in his honor.  We wore crowns, ate his favorite meal (pizza), and popped balloons with our hineys.

Then we talked about a family theme for the year..." Love more".  Just a little something I want my kids to think about when they face the challenges this year will bring.  I made a new sign to hang above our door to remind us as we leave the door to conquer the world each day.

First day back was a success.  He was all smiles and full of stories as I picked him up.  Here's to a hopefully successful and loving year!


  1. I sure miss those little guys! Where is Easton? I know he is not starting school. But, I miss his cute little face. :-(

  2. So cute. Glad his first day was such a success.
