
Starving Artist Party

A few months ago, my sister in law invited us over for her 7 year old's birthday party.  She hosted the cutest, most colorful party I have ever attended.  I went crazy snapping photos and just realized that I never shared them with you.  I can't take credit for all her awesomeness, but it was too good not to share.

Introducing...Jen's starving artist party!
It was hosted entirely in her back-yard.
rainbow hued streamers and balloons livened things up.
clear paint cans held some sweet treats.

As the kiddos arrived, she quickly got them busy with a little chalk art.
A game of four square also spontaneously erupted.
The chalk project got upscaled into a full blown sand art frenzey.

The kids made their own "sand" by rubbing chalk on piles of salt.

These were then layered into cute little jars.

Creating unique little souvenirs.


 It was hard work for our little artists, but they seemed to love every minute of it.
Next, came out the paint brushes.

What kid doesn't love to paint!?

Our hungry artists were then fed a rainbow salad. 
 and what every starving artist eats, pb&j!
Cake time came next.
One kid said it looked like a pile of snow.
But there was a surprise inside that white confection.
An entire Rainbow!
Look at those giant slices!  Every one just had to have the entire spectrum of colors.
Before the guests left, they each received, their own hand made star crayon.
 And a rice crispy treat paint brush.
Kids birthday parties are the best! 




  1. Wow! What a fabulous job! Thanks for sharing, such a great idea....She seriously should get the mother of the year award!

  2. You are so right! I will tell her you said so.

  3. What AWESOME ideas! I have 3 girls and we always have a big birthday party for them in the summer....I've wanted to do an art party and this gives me so much inspiration! Thanks for sharing!! Pinned :)
